Saturday, October 30, 2010

the nano approacheth

If my entries in this blog slack off in november, i have a good excuse. This will eb the third year that i am participating in National Novel Writing Month a.k.a. Nanowrimo. If you don't know about it check out the website:
but the gist of it, i'll be writing a 50,00 word novel in the 30 days of November.

Tonight i prepared my workspace by cleaning off my very messy desk. now my keyboard is front and center and ready to create a story. i still have some blog entries planned, but the noveling will come first for the month.


  1. Wow, a new keyboard in time for nano! I hope it's one you like. A brand new keyboard that feels perfect beneath the fingers, nothing quite like it.

  2. sometime i'd like to learn the dvorak layout so i can type fast!
