Friday, December 9, 2011

back in the raw

after a month of halloween candy and turkey and nanowrimo induced meals and mcdonalds... i've had a little cold for about two weeks and since doctor chaz told me that sugar lowers your immune ability when you are sick, i've been really vigilant about my diet the last few days. i've been eating raw as much as i can, but the most important part was chaning my lunch. instead of a smoothie every day i am now having about 12 ounces of raw juice. i've already lost 3 pounds in three days. (that may just be from cutting out the smoothies.) but i also feel like i have more energy, even thought i'm still sick. i find it much easy to get up in the morning. today i hit the snooze for 15 minutes instead of an hour. which is good because i am going to go to work early and stop to buy carrots on the way. i'm also hoping all the vitamin A in my carrot juice will help with my skin, which has been shamefullly bad lately (been sporting a beard of bee stings look)

i've mostly been having juice of carrot, celery and ginger. yesterday i included an old orange i had, that turned out to be a beautifully pink blood orange.

yesterday i stopped by the farmers market and got some beet greens and kale. althrough i dont think i'd get much of any juice out of the kale without a masticating juicers so i'd better just eat it or dry it into chips.

my man has already whined that me being on a diet means he has to eat the bad food that he makes for himself :/ the challenge for me will be keeping up the diet on the 2 weeks i spend on vacation. but i think my parents have a juicer, so that should help. maybe i'd even get them interested in juice again.