Shiny shredder blade of doom
so i washed it and used the food processor part to make last nights dinner. even more scary is the noise! it's like it's powered by jet engine.
but it had amazing results! i don't know if you can tell from this picture..
but the shreds were, like, still solid. it was sliced so fast it didn't even have time to fall apart. reminds me of warner brothers cartoons. like sylvester chases Tweety through a screen door, stops, and then falls to pieces. you know what i mean?
i also made pesto with pinenuts, basil, salt, peper, and garlic.
And here is an extreme close-up of my dinner! (my new camera makes everything look so good!)
the pesto would have been smoother. but it is so loud i hated to let it run for more than a few seconds. i hope it's loudness doesn't deter me from using it, i'll try to me brave. i can't see any difference between the low and high settings. low is still extremely fast!
i haven't used the blender yet. but it is huge compared to my old one.
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